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Nightmare Herald (2024-2025)

A blog that details "news" Pon-Evil residents want outsiders to believe took place.

Date (Article #)
Date (Article #)
5/2/24 (Article #54)
World's Tallest Ponies? We Don't Think So
Bulging Curves allegedly has the tallest ponies of any town that surpass all their buildings combined. What if we told you the town is actually tiny to start with and that the ponies are actually normal-sized? They also probably have something to make it look like they're causing the ground to shake, but we feel nothing.
4/20/24 (Article #53)
Chubby Cinimas Shows Fake Stories
Just like they're all projections, they're also not based on anything that happened in the town. The characters aren't evern real. We've been able to review footage of one of their movies and can't see any resemblence to any of the characters. Mocha Cream is actually a black unicorn IRL with green eyes and brown hair. What a failure. Are they just winging it the entire time?
4/8/24 (Article #52)
Pon-Evil Expands to 1000 Residents
What a milestone! You might not even know we had that many and we sure didn't. We'd like to congratulate our 1000th member Dungeon Lock to the town with a party this afternoon. Everyone is welcome and there will be everything you'd expect at a party. Come say hello to our new member and make them feel welcome.
2/14/24 (Article #51)
There's a 4th Town
We discovered a brand new town just a few miles away from us. It's not Pudgyville or Bulging Curves, but something entirely different. From what we can tell, it's a town of total chaos where everyone does things in the opposite manner; things that float are on the ground and vice-versa. Truly a one-of-a-kind town.. Better check it out and see for yourself!
2/2/24 (Article #50)
Body Pillows 'R Us Admits to Faking Pony Sizes
We've found the one place that has helped Pudgyville and Bulging Curves obtain the sizes they claim to have naturally. They sell pillows and suits to help make it look like they're fat, and they've gotten good enough to make the pillows jiggle inside the suit for that extra realism. It's the only way to explain how the ponies have so much energy for so much weight.